Rock Legend Heavy Medal

Rock Legend Heavy Medal
Win this and take all.


10 miles on no breakfast

One thing about marathon training is that it forces you to put more focus on the little things in life. Like grocery shopping. Or laundry. Or the will-power to get out of bed in time to toast a bagel.

Unfortunately for us, we haven't put the necessary effort into those little things in life recently and so we found ourselves sipping coffee on our way to practice without the customary bagel & banana.

This made for a tedious run at the Rosebowl. The first few miles lacked energy for me. Somewhere in mile 4 I took a power gel for calories and thereby officially "broke my fast". Blech. The theme of the last 4 miles were cramps and side stitches.

I ended up taking longer walk breaks but running with a longer stride and finishing ahead of my pace group. I even sprinted a bit at the end.

As next weekend is the San Francisco Nike Women's half, I can't say that I'm thrilled about my performance. I'll finish on pace at least but I don't know that I'll be anywhere near my PR. I'm so excited to get to run Nike Women's and to be able to take a little trip to 'frisco. I just hope I don't wreck myself for the LA Half the following weekend.

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