Rock Legend Heavy Medal

Rock Legend Heavy Medal
Win this and take all.


It's JUST a half.

It is now a little over two weeks before the Seattle Half Marathon for which Jason and I registered several months ago but only started training for 5 days ago.

We have ran 13.1 miles several times before and it seems that our cavalier attitude has caused us to procrastinate like never before. Three weeks before the event we ran our first 6 miler, cold. Can't even remember the last time we went for even a light jog before that.

Our plan is to run 8 miles 2 weeks before the event and then 10 miles 1 week before the event and hopefully our 2 years of marathon experience will kick in and somehow awaken the spirit of endurance buried within our bodies to help us finish the half marathon without injury or excessive walking.

So last night, we went out for a 30 min. run to continue to encourage our muscles and lungs to kick it in to gear. This morning I woke up with a sore lower back.

Don't forget to stretch after you run.

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